Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Star Wars on The Simpsons

Starwars.com  has a feature about all Star Wars references in The Simpsons. The list is pretty long, and you can check it out here.

This one instantly came to my mind:

"Mayored to the Mob" (12/20/98) One of the richest troves of Star Wars references starts with a visit to a sci-fi convention (The Bi-Mon-Sci-Fi-Con) which boasts appearances of "the gay robots of Star Wars" and Chewbacca at the event. Mark Hamill is one of the guests (and one of the guest voices), and ends the episode with a dinner theater appearance where some creative liberties were taken to make Guys and Dolls a little more like Star Wars ("Luke be a Jedi, tonight!"). When Homer gets targeted by mobsters at dinner, Mark implores him to "use the forks!"

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